Free christmas planner 2021

Christmas Planner 2021 Free Digital Download

Organising Christmas can be chaotic and stressful. Download our handy Christmas Planner 2021 to help make life a little easier. 
The Notorious History Of The Humble Match

The Notorious History Of The Humble Match

From matches killing people and causing deformities to matchboxes being used as stocking fillers, you can say that a lot has changed over the years. 
24 Warm And Squishy Hug Quotes

24 Warm And Squishy Hug Quotes

There's nothing like a good hug to lift your mood and make you smile.
Happy Birthday Cupcakes

50 Funny Birthday Messages to Write In Cards

The average person gets around 20 cards per year, so why not make yours stand out with a funny message. 
Perfect Card Messages To Brighten Someone's Day

Perfect Card Messages To Brighten Someone's Day

Here are some perfect phrases to use that will put a smile on anyone's face.
Celebrate Your Bestie With 25 Friendship Quotes From Our Favourite Novels

Celebrate Your Bestie With 25 Friendship Quotes From Our Favourite Novels

Friendship quotes to add to cards, gift messages, or just to let a friend know how much they mean to you.
Milestone Birthday Card Messages

Perfect Card Messages For Milestone Birthdays

The importance of milestone birthdays, and reaching a 'memorable' age, deserve an extra special card message.
What's Your Spirit Animal?

What's Your Spirit Animal?

What's your spirit animal, and how does it reflect your personality?
Birthstones And Their Meanings

Birthstones And Their Meanings

Birthstones and their meanings. What is your birthstone and what does it symbolise?


Not only is there a shortage of pasta and loo roll, but there is also a growing HUG crisis on our hands. There's no shortage of hugs, but people are stockpiling them everywhere, with no one to give...
A kind word costs nothing

A kind word costs nothing

Free gift wrap and message card with every little hug in a matchbox.  And for the chance of a free hug, we are giving away A Little Hug In A Matchbox every day for three months. Just like one of  o...

Top Drawer

It has been a busy Summer for Marv and Ling preparing for their first tradeshow - Top Drawer. Weeks were spent making scale models, drawing up plans, discussing strategies (i.e. Ling arguing with ...

School Dinners are flying

There was much consternation this week at MBHQ when it was discovered that the School Dinner in A Matchbox menus had been printed without the actual menu on them, just a nice picture of a dinner la...

Havering Awards Retail Business of the Year 2016

Celebrations at MBHQ as Marvling Bros was awarded Best Retail Business of the Year 2016 in Havering. The team donned their best frocks, grabbed their other halves and headed straight for the Prosec...

Yoga Practise

Marv was shocked to find Jane in the office practising headstands this week instead of packing the new Marvling product - Let's Glow - a party preparation kit in a can. It transpired that w...

The Strange case of the bitten chocolate

With lots of new products on the horizon, much of this week was spent photographing said products, many of which involved food. There were lots of volunteers to help with the shoot, particularly t...

Milk Monitor position filled

Tea break is an important part of the routine at MBHQ so a number of people have been involved with the supply of provisions. Mostly this has focussed on cakes and chocolate biscuits so when Annie,...

Our Skillled Team

This week the Bros have needed handmade matchboxes made up for the new personalised products now out. The last time they did this task between them it ended up in tears (Marv) and tantrums (Ling) a...

Cutting Edge Stuff

It's getting pretty dangerous at MBHQ these days. Along with several oversized guillotines, and a creasing machine there is now a badge press, a ribbon printer and most frightening of all a hot wir...

Tooling up

It's been a busy month for the Bros. As well as the immensely successful January Sale, Marv and Ling have been busy developing new products and this has led to some very interesting packages contai...

Happy New Year Sale!

Happy New Year - Employee of the week: Ling... Ling is alone in the office workingThe rest of the team are all out twerkingThey are all having New Year funwhile Ling takes orders 'cos the sale has ...

Good Morning!

It was excitement all round today as Hot Stuff was examined by Eamonn Holmes and handled by Holly Willoughby. The whole team incumbent at MBHQ gathered round the computer and watched agog as Hot St...

Black Friday

As Black Friday hit In A Matchbox, it was all hands on deck as the orders flooded in. By midday there was over 500 orders but the MB team were unfazed. Indeed Donna took multi-tasking to a new leve...

Health and Safety Matters

The health and Safety officer was out in force this week. Shirley, in a magnificent effort to prove she was not just a golden girl, boxed up Hot Stuff until she was sick her usualy area of expertis...

Hero of the Hour

On Thursday a £250 order came in with the post due to go in just half an hour. Marv, Moll, Nell and Jane all agreed that, with a concerted effort, they could easily produce four personalised gift b...

A Winning night!

The MB team triumphed! When the announcement for the most prestigious award of the night came, the biggest cheer came from the MB tables. Marv's long suffering partner cracked open the bubbly and i...

The Reject Tree

Moll brought in an unwanted tree and the MB team lost no time getting into the Christmas Spirit. Marv and Ling who were out having fun at the accountants came back to a tree decorated with reject m...

Awards Imminent....

The atmosphere has reached fever pitch at MBHQ. With the awards ceremony imminent, everyone has been going a bit crazy. Ling bought over £200 worth of make up and then her long suffering partner...

Kilts and T-shirts.

The whole MB team were very busy this week. With their eye firmly on what's important everything revolved around getting outfits for the up and coming awards. It is black tie and Marv and Ling's lo...

Making Magic Movies

Ling and Marv were making movies this week demonstrating how to do the Magic tricks in the new It's Magic Box. Ling has written instruction leaflets with diagrams to put in the box, but they are so...

Bribery & Corruption at MB HQ

Ling decided it would be a nice, team building idea to introduce Employee of the week, but this already much coveted position has induced a change of atmosphere at MB HQ. The once friendly, office ...

A Touch of Magic

Employee of the week goes to Shirley who not only volunteered her granddad's vintage top hat for the It's Magic photoshoot but also designed a Blue Peter style target poster to inspire the whole MB...

New Term Starts!

The whole team is back from school holidays. Some relaxed, some tanned, some bruised, but all ready to start the busy Christmas season. Nell was first out of the blocks, grabbing 2500 Christmas Kis...

Social Media Blues

Okay. Marv and Ling are techno-phobes. But they have bitten the bullet and are publishing their first Email-newletter. It is a competition to win their new Veggie Volts in a matchbox and whilst Mar...

Let's get down to business

MB HQ was visited by a proper business man today. It was the first official visit to the new offices by an outsider (Nell's jujutsu partner and Moll's husband don't count) and Marv was concerned ab...

Training Day

It has been a full on few weeks. Ling has been decorating the new office - painting, screwingand hammering accompanied by lots of swearing. Marv has been transferring everything from her house to t...