The Eleven Best Dads Of The Animal Kingdom

The Eleven Best Dads Of The Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom is filled with dads that put in the extra effort to look after their offspring and get them ready for everyday life. Whether that’s teaching them to hunt, keeping them warm, or even birthing their children themselves, here are 11 of the best dads of the animal kingdom! 

The animal kingdom is filled with dads that put in the extra effort to look after their offspring and get them ready for everyday life. Whether that’s teaching them to hunt, keeping them warm, or even birthing their children themselves, here are eleven of the best dads of the animal kingdom! 

Emperor Penguin

The male emperor penguin is known for his incredible devotion to his offspring. After the female lays an egg, she transfers it to the male's feet, where he keeps it warm by balancing it on top of them. He will then go two months without eating while he waits for the chick to hatch.


In the seahorse world, it's the males who give birth. After mating, the female seahorse deposits her eggs into the male's brood pouch, where he fertilises them and carries them until they hatch.

Red Fox

Red fox fathers are dedicated to the well-being of their family. After the female gives birth, the male brings food to the den and helps teach the kits (red fox babies) how to survive in the wild.


Gorilla fathers are fiercely protective of their young and play an active role in their upbringing. They teach the young gorillas important skills like foraging for food and navigating the jungle.


Wolves are known for their strong family bonds, and the father plays a crucial role in maintaining them. The male wolf hunts for the family and helps raise the pups.


Orangutan fathers are nurturing and affectionate. They spend a lot of time caring for their young, teaching them valuable life skills, and making sure they are safe.

African Elephant

African elephant fathers are involved in raising their offspring, working alongside the mother to provide food and protection. They also play with the young calves, teaching them how to interact with other elephants.

Red Kangaroo

Red kangaroo fathers are nurturing and protective. They carry their young in their pouches for several months, providing them with warmth and nourishment.

Grey Wolf Spider

Grey wolf spider fathers carry their eggs and newly hatched spiderlings on their backs, protecting them from danger and providing food until they can fend for themselves.


Marmoset fathers are caring and attentive, sharing parenting duties equally with the mother. They carry their young on their backs and provide them with food.

Black swan

Black swan fathers share parenting duties equally with the mother, taking turns incubating the eggs and protecting the cygnets. They also help the young swans learn to swim and forage for food.

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