Birth Flowers And Their Meanings

Birth Flowers And Their Meanings

Birth flowers and their meanings. What is your birth flower, and what does it symbolise?

Birth flowers and their meanings. What is your birth flower, and what does it symbolise?

January - Carnation and Snowdrop
These are the flowers associated with the month of January, a part of this being because both flowers thrive in the wintertime and that's where you can see them reach their full potential. Carnations come in an array of beautiful colours such as red and yellow, some even featuring a striped pattern. The colour of carnations also have meaning to them, most symbolising deep love and innocence. 

January birth flower carnation

On the other hand, snowdrops are limited in colours and are most commonly white, which is suggested in the name. Snowdrops usually grow in clusters and cover a vast area of space, and this vibrant flower symbolises hope and rebirth. Overall if you are born in January your birth flowers suggest you are a pure person with good, loving intentions.

January birth flower snowdrop

February - Violet and Primrose
These are the flowers that are associated with the month of February, this makes sense considering that the February birthstone is purple and lilacs are also that gorgeous colour. Violets are associated with loyalty and love, this is partly due to their rose-shaped petals that were used to make love potions by the Ancient Greeks. This is also interesting considering February is the month where Valentine's day takes place. 

February birth flower violet

Primroses come with a larger selection of colours as opposed to the violets. These shades are rich in colour and range from creams to pinks. Primroses symbolise dependability and if you are born in February your birth flowers suggest you are a reliable person that is loyal and faithful to those you love. 

February birth flower primrose

March: Daffodil, Jonquil and Phlox
These are the flowers associated with the month March, this makes sense considering that daffodils are a flower that symbolises the beginning of spring, which takes place in March. The daffodil is a bright flower that has glowing yellow and white petals that are hard to miss. This flower symbolises a deep love and also death and rebirth, so it is safe to say that this flower has very powerful connotations. Jonquils are extremely similar to daffodils, with the only differences being small details seen on the appearances of the flowers. 

March Birth Flower Daffodil

Phlox flowers come in many different colours, the most common of which are pink and white. The Phlox represents unity and harmony. This is derived from the close clusters of flowers, suggesting partnership  and compatibility. Overall, if you are born in March you are likely to be an extremely passionate person that can lighten up even the worst of days.                         


March birth flower Phlox


April: Daisy and Sweet Pea
These are the flowers associated with the month April, this is partly because spring is occurring and daisys can be seen prolifically during this season. Daisies are not only one of the oldest flowers on earth but they also come in a range of stand out colours and sizes. Daisies are said to symbolise innocence and loyalty.

April birth flower daisy

Sweet peas also come in a variety of colours and their petals stand out due to the way that their colours blend together, making them aesthetically pleasing, looks wise and scent wise. Sweet peas symbolise romance and kindness. Overall if you are born in April you are likely to be a kind-hearted person with a pure and innocent soul.

May: Lily Of the Valley, Hawthorn and Stock
These are the flowers that are associated with the month May. Lilies of the valley are small yet extremely fragrant flowers and are most commonly a bright white colour but can also have hues of pinks and more. They symbolise sweetness and joy, so overall they represent a lot of happiness.

May birth flower lily of the valley

Hawthorns are often seen on a bush, so you are likely to find this flower in large clusters, but are like the lilies of the valley in the sense that they are most commonly white. This flower symbolises hope and extreme happiness. 

Stocks are a symbol of happiness and success. These spiritual flowers are heavily scented and can be found in several colours, including white, pink and purple. They epitomise contentment and and appreciation of the moment. Overall if you are born in May you are likely to be a lantern of joy and hope that people love to be around.

May birth flower Stock

June: Rose and Honeysuckle
These are the flowers that are associated with the month of June, considering roses are the symbol of love, people are often shocked to find out roses are the birth flowers for June and not February. Roses come in almost all shades imaginable but the most popular is a deep red colour. Roses symbolise love and beauty.

June birth flower rose

Honeysuckles are another popular flower and are most commonly dark pink and golden white. They have unique shaped petals that are not only eye-catching to humans but are also loved by hummingbirds. Similar to the rose, honeysuckles symbolise everlasting love so if you are born in June you are likely to be a romantic person with a beautiful personality that radiates love.

June birth flower honeysuckle

July: Larkspur and Water Lily
These are the flowers associated with the month of July. These flowers are both extremely eye-catching due to the vibrancy of their petals. Larkspur has different connotations depending on the colour of the flower but generally, it indicates strong feelings of love and positive energy.

July birth flower larkspur

Water lilies grow within ponds and come in an array of beautiful shades such as pink. Not only do water lilies grow to help prevent the growth of algae and cool the water for sea creatures found in lakes/ponds, but they also symbolise majesty and grace. Overall, if you are born in July you are likely to be a positive person with a lot of respect for yourself and those around you.

July birth flower water lily

August: Gladiolus and Poppy
These are the flowers associated with the month of August, both are very popular within the late summer months, making them unsurprisingly associated with this month. Gladiolus were the flowers that gladiators were thrown after fights in Ancient Roman times and the flower symbolises integrity and calmness.

August birth flower gladiolus

Poppies are an extremely popular flower that is associated highly with remembrance day and can be seen ranging in vibrant colours such as red and yellow. The poppy symbolises peace and imagination. Overall, if you are born in August you are likely to be a strong character with a creative imagination.

August birth flower poppy


September: Aster and Morning Glory
These are the flowers associated with the month of September, and considering Asters are most vibrant in September it makes sense for them to represent this month. Asters have a star shape that makes them stand out amongst other flowers, alongside their vivid colours that are hard to miss. This flower symbolises wisdom and faith.

September birth flower aster

Morning glories are flowers that transform during the day and night, in the morning you can see them bloom and then slowly curl up later in the day. These flowers symbolise affection, so if you are born in September you are likely to be an affectionate person that spreads their knowledge with those around them.

September birth flower morning glory

October: Marigold and Cosmos
These are the flowers associated with the month October, and marigolds are flowers that still stay strong during the cold Autumn months, so it makes sense for them to represent October. Marigolds feature warm shades of colour such as oranges and yellows that radiate beauty and symbolises stubbornness and warmth.

Birth flower October marigold

Cosmos aren’t usually as bright as marigolds but their petals feature pastel colours that are aesthetically pleasing and symbolises peace and serenity. Overall, if you are born in October you are likely to be a peaceful person that people feel safe around, while also being stern on your word.

Birth flower october cosmos

November: Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum is the flower associated with the month November and is one of the world's most popular flowers because of its beautiful petals and variety of colours. This flower used to grow in only golden shades but now can be bought in lots of colours. This flower symbolises friendship and honesty, so if you are born in November you are likely to be a positive person that has built a sturdy friendship with many people.

Birth flower November Chrysanthemum

December: Narcissus, Holly and Cornflower
These are the flowers associated with December, this is not surprising considering holly is a flower that is associated with this month, especially with Christmas and celebration. Holly is a festive plant that people often use as decoration and symbolises hope and happiness.

December birth flower Holly

The Narcissus is a flower that comes in a variety of hues but the glowing white shade is most common in the wintertime. This flower symbolises hope and wealth, similar to holly. 

The beautiful and exotic cornflower is often linked to wealth and good fortune. It is also associated with hope and love. Overall if you are born in December you are likely to be a cheerful person that brings joy and hope into people’s lives when it is needed the most.

December birth flower Cornflower

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