Supporting Wildlife in a Matchbox.
Our spirit animals were chosen for their amazing qualities and to support these wonderful creatures we are running bi-monthly competitions to win an annual adoption package plus a spirit animal in a matchbox. All adoption packages will include a donation to the organisation to a total value of £50/per adoption package.
How to Enter:
1. Follow us on Instagram
2. Like the relevant Instagram post
3. Leave a comment on the Instagram post to double your entry.
Competition dates and prizes:
29th March - 1st April 2022: Tiger
Courage and new challenges at Easter
Adoption Pack: Manor wildlife park
£30 pack includes Certificate, fact sheet, photo, and toy plus £20 donation
24th - 27th May 2022: Panda
Good Luck and opportunity for Exams
Bronze Adoption pack:Edinburgh Zoo
£45 pack includes Animal fact sheet, Certificate of Adoption, Photo, Pen and bookmark plus £5 donation.
26th - 29th July 2022: Sloth
Relax and chill out for Summer
Adoption Package: London Zoo
£20 Pack includes Certificate, notebook, bookmark, postcards and email newsletter, plus donation to The Sloth Institution of Costa Rica $35.
18th - 21st October: Wolf
Be strong and flamboyant at Halloween
Adoption package: Wolfwatchuk
£35 Pack includes: access to online member's area with exclusive news, videos and articles plus £15 donation.
7th-10th December
Christmas Kindness choice of international or
EAdoption Package: Koala Port Macquire Hospital. £25 plus £25 donation.
25th - 28th January 2023: Orangutan
New Year Resolve choice of virtual or posted adoption pack:
Orangutan Foundation. £35 certificate, photo, booklet, toy plus £15 donation or £30 emailed version plus £20 donation
7th-10th December 2021: Koala - Winner: Ellie O'Leary who adopted Baz
25th - 28th January 2022: Orangutan - Winner: Daisy, Freya and Indie who adopted Mona