21 Fun Facts You Won’t Believe About Pigs

21 Fun Facts You Won’t Believe About Pigs

Pigs are loved animals around the world, and they are associated with laziness and uncleanness, which is actually a misconception. This species is actually super clean, smart and surprisingly speedy. Here are 21 fun facts about pigs that you have likely not heard of before!

Pigs are loved animals around the world, and they are associated with laziness and uncleanness, which is actually a misconception. This species is actually super clean, smart and surprisingly speedy. Here are 21 fun facts about pigs that you have likely not heard of before!

  1. Pigs have four toes.
  2. There are currently 18 living species of the pig family.
  3. Domesticated pigs tend to live for around 15 to 20 years.
  4. Pigs usually give birth after 3 months of pregnancy
  5. Their sense of smell is highly developed, which is super important when it comes to finding food and communicating with other pigs.
  6. Pigs are super social animals, and show social behaviours only a few hours after birth.
  7. They are super intelligent and can even recognise themselves in a mirror.
  8. Pigs can often learn tricks quicker than dogs, and can even be trained to herd sheep.
  9. Pigs get bored easily, so they need to be able to play and interact with their surroundings.
  10. Pigs do not like being picked up, due to the fact they are animals of prey.
  11. Pigs sleep almost as much as humans, and they sleep on average for 8 hours a day.
  12. In the future, pigs could potentially become organ donors for humans, because we share similar anatomies.
  13. Pigs can run up to 11 miles per hour.
  14. On average, a pig eats five pounds of feed each day.
  15. Pigs are super peaceful animals and rarely show aggression.
  16. Pigs have 44 teeth and 15,000 taste buds.
  17. Pigs wallow in the mud to help them keep cool, this is because they do not have sweat glands so this helps regulate their body temperature. 
  18. All pigs have small lungs that are disproportionate to the size of their bodies.
  19. Mother pigs sing to their babies, and baby pigs learn to rush to their mothers voices when they are born.
  20. A baby pig is referred to as a piglet.
  21. Pigs have an amazing memory, and they remember things for a long time.


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